Contact Info
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
You need a long term solution from acne treatments that you choose since the condition can continue or re-appear in adulthood when there are hormonal changes.
Acne forces you to reconsider the way you do things and instils a need for discipline in your personal habits. All acne treatments involve long term habit changes and awareness to control the condition. Prudent choices in treatment, food and drink control of erratic sleep hours and poor stress management are the key to managing this common problem. Avoid all forms of toxin creating substances and ensure that you go through detoxification sessions if you have an addiction of any kind.
Lifestyle changes Your work hours, rest time and erratic timings will have to be controlled as you find acne treatments to incorporate necessary habits in your everyday activities. Your skin cannot be exposed to too much sunlight. If you tend to be outside in the course of a day, use a sunscreen and an umbrella or other protection against the sun. If you are a smoker, you will have to reduce and finally stop the habit. Do you tend to take insufficient rest because of late television watching or late night outings? Ensure that you eat your last meal by 7 p.m. and sleep by 10 p.m. every night. In case of an occasional night out, eat an early dinner and avoid alcohol. If you must eat, stick to salad or soup. Habit creation Habits that did not affect you in your younger days will have to undergo a change as a part of acne treatments. Chocolates and high fat items have to be avoided and replaced by food that is easy on the alimentary canal. Consumption of fluids, fruits, vegetables and dry fruits along with healthy snack items have to become a daily habit. If you have a tendency to binge after days of avoidance, find out the underlying need that the body is trying to fulfil. Bingeing will worsen your skin condition and hinder treatment. Medical care Choose medical care that provides long term relief with habit changes rather than short term relief and no habit transformations. Your acne treatments will involve a mix of topical skin treatments, medicines and learning new habits. Be aware of the long term side effects of seemingly effective medical care and do not hesitate to change your medical practitioner if you feel unwell or have other skin reactions to the treatment. However, take care not to change your course of treatment after many days of starting since it will be difficult to determine the long term effect of different lines of treatment. Personal care Personal habits are an essential part of acne treatments and need an analysis and review with the help of a skin care professional. Hair and scalp care, nails and fingertip cleanliness and surfaces being clean are essential for controlling the occurrence of acne. Food habits and water with doses of meditation to increase the oxygen in your system are important ways to counter toxin accumulation and fight the condition. Physical and mental health are important to keep your skin healthy and removing skin the condition from the base.