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53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
Nobody likes acne and wants to find the most effective treatments for when they have a breakout. Others are most likely not as focused on your acne as you are, even though it may make you self conscious. That doesn’t mean you should put up with it, though, so give these acne treatments a try.
Try using an exfoliant, which is something that you apply to your skin to help get rid of dead skin cells. By applying this to your face daily, you can help to clean out the oil and dead cells that get trapped in your pores, which then causes blackheads to appear. Inflamed blackheads can turn into red pimples. When you use an exfoliant on a regular basis, you can keep the problem from spreading. You can find these at a drugstore, but you can also make some effective and simple ones at home. After mixing oatmeal, molasses, and olive oil together, apply it to your skin. Keeping your face clean between treatments will also help clear up your acne.
Taking olive leaf is another good acne remedy to try. Olive leaf is a potent anti-fungal plant and the best way to take this is as an extract you buy in supplement form. Olive leaf is an effective way to cure the bacteria or viruses that can be the root cause of your acne. You can increase the effectiveness of your other acne treatments by taking olive leaf. The health benefits for your whole body make using olive leaf daily a good idea.
Another effective remedy for acne is turmeric, which has many health benefits. The many health benefits of this spice commonly used in Indian cooking can be attributed to its antiseptic properties. You may want to use turmeric in foods, or you can take it as a supplement. Another option is to make a paste with turmeric and apply it directly to your skin. One way to do this is to make a paste combining turmeric with coconut oil, which itself has many healing properties and apply it to your face. Ideally, use this at night before going to bed, only make sure to let it dry before lying down. This can be a fast way to clear up your acne.
Living with red and black pimples for the rest of your life isn’t necessary. The same acne remedies are not going to work for everyone, but if you are patient you will find one or more that are effective for you. These treatments are good ones to try to clear up your acne. You may need some determination to get rid of your acne once and for all, but it can be done!