Contact Info
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
People with clear skin have better social skills, are overall happier people, and are just more well liked than those of us with bad complexions.
It’s not fair. I know. But, it’s the sad truth. Have you ever seen anyone on television with a horrible complexion? I don’t think so. People have always and will always gravitate towards the beautiful people of this world.
We all deserve to get up in the morning and look in the mirror and absolutely love what we see, if we don’t this will wear on us day after day. And this is possible for all of us.
Build Self Esteem
It’s shallow, but its true that beautiful people are treated differently. So, for our own self esteem and social life a clear complexion is essential. I don’t care what age we are, people always judge us on how we look.
All Natural Acne Treatment Conventional Treatments Don’t Work Treating The Real Root Cause
Conventional Treatments
Conventional acne treatments like benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics have side effects and don’t treat the root cause of acne at all.
Conventional creams can leave our skin red, peeling, and over dry. It’s like a whole other skin problem on top of the acne, our skin can even look worse. That’s not the way to go.
Antibiotics are dangerous because they can compromise our immune and digestive systems. A safer and healthier alternative is to try a probiotic like those found in yogurt.
A good probiotic is often found at health food stores or newer grocery stores, these work with our bodies and not against them.
Treating The Root Cause
The secret to treating acne is changing our inner terrain in order to balance our hormones and ‘turn off’ excess oil production. It’s not masking the symptoms it’s going to the real cause and getting rid of it.
Once we can accomplish this our skin starts to majorly clear itself within a week and within a month all of our acne will be gone.
Imagine that one month from now there’ll be no more nicknames, snickering, bullying, or embarrassment. That is what happens when we treat the root cause.
A healthy inner terrain is created from eating certain specific foods and getting rid of the foods that trigger acne. No matter what you’ve been told, this is the plain honest truth.