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53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
With more than 8 years of experience with this terrible condition, I can say a few things about which products are most effective against acne and acne reoccurances. My acne is for the most part under control. I still have one or two bumps right before my period which I have learned to accept. With my skin, I have come to terms with very light acne that I am having right now. Here are a few products that I believe have amazing effects on acne in general.
Tretinoin gel – active ingredient is Retin-A (most familar to most). This definitely worked for my acne prone skin. However, it is a prescription medicine that only a doctor would be able to prescribe for you. You usually apply it at night on the acne directly and go to bed afterwards. It works by making the skin peel and making the turnover much faster. For some reason, acne won’t be able to grow if the skin is in that fast turnover state (that was what I was told by my doctor). It makes your skin more sensitive to the sun so make sure to wear a good sunscreen.
Birth control pill – this stopped my horrible acne episode several months ago. I looked hideous (have pictures as proof, see my previous posts). Within the first several days, I noticed a difference in the texture of my skin. It mainly works through the hormones which is the root of acne problem. There are specific birth control pill that works for acne so make sure you get the right one from the doctor. I had bad side affects from this and am currently not taking this drug. I will only go back if my skin is out of control.
Accutane – this is a powerful drug for acne that cleared up my first worst episode of acne. This is when I was 22 (just out of college). I was desperate because of all those red bumps all over; I don’t have pictures from that time. But believe me, it was horrible. I only took a month on low dosage but it started to clear up my face after one week of using it. The drug is amazing but with lots of different side affects. Nowadays, in the United States, only a dermotologist can prescribe this drug to you. This is the last acne treatment drug that is prescribed after everything fails to work.