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53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
Keeping your face looking its best is essential as it is the part of your body that is seen the most. It is also the most delicate part of your body and deserves to be treated well so that your skin looks and feels as young – or younger – than you are. People look at your face when they meet you and make an assumption on your age. Now that can be good or bad depending on how your face looks – but it is up to you to keep it looking its best no matter what is going on in your life.
What is Your Facial Skin Care Routine? Do you properly cleanse and tone your facial skin each day? Do you keep it moisturized and hydrated at all times? Do you regularly use sunscreen when you leave for the day? Do you often give yourself facials or have one done at a salon? All of these questions relate to how you are treating your facial skin. If you are not doing any of them or only some of them, then your skin is suffering from neglect and needs to be treated with the respect it deserves.
Routine Facial Skin Care A regular skin care regimen that should be followed for your face includes the following that can all be done at home if you allot a small amount of time out of your day. It does not have to be complicated and can really be quite easy:
Cleansing the skin twice daily with the proper cleanser for your skin type is essential to keeping the skin healthy and well conditioned. It is also important that you remove any makeup that has been applied during the day or evening.
A toner should be used after cleansing to keep the skin tones even and to help to keep the skin balanced.
Anti wrinkle cream or moisturizers should be used to keep the skin hydrated and different ones can be used during the day than the one at night but they are a requirement to keep the skin replenished.
Facials should be done at least once a month and can even be done at home as there are many products that make it easy to make it a part of your regular routine.
Stress and Your Face If you are under a lot of stress it can affect your skin the same as it can affect your body. Stress at work or at home, financial problems or personal problems in your marriage or other issues can play havoc with your skin. It can cause acne or blemish outbreaks or it can cause other skin irritations. It increases wrinkles and causes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. You often do not sleep well and this adds to the stress shown on your face.
Environmental stress like free radicals that can cause damage as we age is another skin hazard that occurs. The sun’s harmful UV rays can cause unlimited damage and if your skin was not cared for well when you were younger you often suffer from this as your skin ages prematurely.
Facials to the Rescue Facials can be an easy option to holding off the aging process and helping to erase those fatigue lines and wrinkles caused by stress and other factors. A facial will help to slough off the dead skin cells that are found on damaged skin and remove them so that they do not clog up the pores and cause acne and other irritations of the skin. It will also remove residual products that have clogged the pores along with excess oils or other debris. The best thing is that they can be done at home and are economically priced.
Facials will reduce the number of outbreaks of acne or blemishes that occur so your skin will start to heal and be healthier. Facials will also lower your stress level by relaxing you. Other treatments that can be tried are mini peels and other anti aging wrinkle creams that will help to minimize visible signs of aging. This in turn will make you feel better so you will look better as it is a cyclical occurrence that will leave your face more radiant and rejuvenated.
Dr. Farid Mostamand has written hundreds of articles on preventing the detrimental effects of skin aging. As the founder of the Focus Medical Spa and author of Aeless Skin obsession, he has first-hand experience with the most effective non-invasive treatments. Learn More about Mineral makeup products and Mineral cosmetic