Contact Info
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
Dermaplaning, sometimes known as epidermal leveling or blading, is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment designed to make skin feel smoother, and to appear healthier and more youthful.
Like Microdermabrasion, Dermaplaning removes the top-most layer of facial skin, thus eliminating dead skin cells and minor surface imperfections. So how does Dermaplaning differ from Microdermabrasion treatments? How effective is Dermaplaning? Is Dermaplaning the right facial rejuvenation method for you? Read on to find out!
Dermaplaning treatments, a form of manual exfoliation, are typically performed by a dermatologist or a licensed aesthetician at a professional skin care clinic. Dermaplaning or epidermal leveling utilizes a sterile surgical blade called a dermatome. The dermatome is carefully stroked over the skin in even motions similar to shaving. Treatment time can be as short as 15-20 minutes.
Blading the skin with a dermatome painlessly removes dry, dead surface skin to reveal new, healthy skin cells. Dermaplaning poses no serious side effects and patients can resume normal activities immediately following treatment.
Typically, Dermaplaning is only performed on the face, taking care to avoid the eyelids and neck. No chemical or acid solutions are used in conjunction with Dermaplaning, making it less irritating for sensitive-skinned patients than chemical peels.
Dermaplaning is recommended to treat dry, rough skin, acne scars, uneven skin tone, large pores, fine lines…even unwanted facial hair. Dermaplaning is a safe, effective treatment for overall skin rejuvenation. It can produce a smoother skin texture and a clearer complexion, while minimizing fine lines and minor scars.
Since the Dermaplaning dermatome is a sharp blade, unwanted peach fuzz or whiskers may also be eliminated during treatment. In this manner, Dermaplaning offers a rare combination of skin rejuvenation and facial hair removal benefits.
Acne scars and minor wrinkles can be minimized with Dermaplaning as the dermatome blade removes damaged epidermal skin. Since Dermaplaning removes dead skin more swiftly and cleanly than the natural shedding process allows, it can also trigger speedier skin cell turnover.
Microdermabrasion has long been one of the top non-surgical treatments for facial skin rejuvenation. And while Dermaplaning and Microdermabrasion address most of the same skin issues, the treatment mechanism and the effects can be slightly different.
Rather than the Dermaplaning surgical blade, Microdermabrasion exfoliates the surface skin with a pressurized stream of abrasive crystals. Both treatments should be performed by a licensed aesthetic professional to yield the best results.
Because Dermaplaning uses the sharp dermatome, it is often considered a more aggressive form of exfoliation than Microdermabrasion—prominent acne scars and wrinkles may be better treated with Dermaplaning. However, the potential for nicks and cuts during Dermaplaning also creates the possibility of bleeding or skin infection post treatment. More manual skill is usually required on the part of the Dermaplaning treatment provider.
Microdermabrasion treatments can use different exfoliating crystals for more customized treatment results. Since there’s a lesser chance that Microdermabrasion will break the skin, it can also be argued that Microdermabrasion is the safer, lower-risk treatment of the two.
In terms of cost, Dermaplaning may average slightly higher than Microdermabrasion, although specific pricing will vary by region and skin care provider. National average costs for Microdermabrasion hover around $100 per treatment, while sources list Dermaplaning as costing anywhere from $50-$200 per session.
Dermaplaning or epidermal leveling is recommended for patients who want a non-surgical, non-invasive, affordable skin rejuvenation treatment—with a focus on quick treatment sessions, no recovery time, and no major side effects. Patients wanting to treat acne scars, poor skin tone, large or clogged pores, fine lines and very dry skin can achieve great skin success with Dermaplaning.
The best way to determine if Dermaplaning is right for you is to consult with a licensed aesthetic specialist in your area. They can determine whether Dermaplaning, Microdermabrasion or Chemical Peels are the most appropriate skin rejuvenation treatment option for you!