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Men’s Hygiene base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7″ data-original=”” class=”lazy” alt=”lovethisstuff profile image” title=”lovethisstuff profile image”/>lovethisstuff moreMaria has been researching and writing about health and beauty for over 10 years. She shares her findings on her skincare website and here.
Contact Author How Men Can Take Care of Their Skin
Men return false;” />See results Achieving Healthy Skin
Men anti aging skin care program should include the right kinds of food to keep your skin healthy. A person’s diet can adversely affect his skin, so you need to make sure that you are eating the right food for healthier skin.
Increase your vegetable and fruit intake and avoid foods that contain too much oil. Avoid junk foods, soda, coffee or other beverages that contain caffeine or those that contain alcohol. Discover the foods you should be eating with this anti aging diet.
If you take care if your skin, you will reap the rewards when you reach your 40s, 50s or 60s. Your wrinkles and fine lines will be less visible, and your skin will still look radiant and glowing when compared to others with the same age as yours. Having a great skin is ultimately about living a healthy life.
African American Skin Care for Men
What about Skin Care for Dark Skin?
African American skin contains more melanin, which is what helps to keep their skin protected from the harmful effects of sunlight. It also helps to stop the skin from aging prematurely. Because African American skin is more adapted to the hot African climate, it finds difficult to adjust during the cold winter months.
The hair of those of African-American origins tends to curl in, into the skin, and sometimes can cause infection to the skin. This problem is seen on the face, neck, chest, and scalp. Shaving could cause “bumps,” and this problem is made worse during repeated shaving.
Don’t be afraid to design a routine for your skin type. Earlier, it was only the ladies who went in for skin care and conditioning for the explicit reason that men were obsessed with complexion. Now, times have reversed, and it is the ladies who are showing their disinclination towards flawed skin of the males. Consequently, men have started following their better halves into special beauty parlors for males.
Wash your Face
You should use a facial cleanser that suits your skin, twice a day. You should try a milk-based cleanser or a foaming cleaner. This is best suited for the African American skin, which tends to be oilier than other skins. The milk based cleaner or the foaming cleanser will help remove the dirt and oil, but it will not dry up the skin.
You should not use hot water because it tends to dry up the skin. If your skin is very dry, then you should use olive oil, Shea butter, Aloe Vera or Soy Protein.
Exfoliation is an important step to get rid of dirt and oil. You should exfoliate the skin with a gentle scrub that contains either citrus acid or glycolic acid. Use the scrub so as to gently rub the skin freely. It will keep your skin free of bacteria and black heads.
Facial Masks
If your skin is oily and prone to blemishes is recommended to apply a cleansing detoxifying facial mask every week to get rid of excess oil. On the other hand if your skin appears dry and lacking in moisture you should apply a hydrating facial mask. Nutritive facial masks will be beneficial for skin presenting fine lines and wrinkles.
Protecting the skin with sunscreen is essential because the UV rays can damage the skin accelerating sagging skin, pigmentation, wrinkles and even skin cancer.
Men should shave following the way your hair grows. If you shave against it, then you will have to ensure the provision of more moisture. The hair that has grown into your skin has to be necessarily pulled out. The best way to shave is in the direction of your hair growth.
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You will find a lot of products in the market that are good for your skin type. Make sure that you seek out products that are aimed for dark skins. Investing in specific products that covers the needs of black skin will ensure that your skin always looks its best.
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Wrinkles height:75px” class=”thumbphoto”>Men’s Hygiene height:75px” class=”thumbphoto”>Men’s Hygiene height:75px” class=”thumbphoto”>Men’s Hygiene ” id=”comText_39101383″ name=”comText_39101383″ autocomplete=”off” rows=”6″>0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.
3 months ago
Rostom Noor
Good tips.
15 months ago