Contact Info
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
If you have problem skin and you’re looking for treatments that go beyond creams and serums, then you may have already heard of microdermabrasion and probably asked yourself; “Does microdermabrasion work, and will it actually improve my skin’s tone and texture?” While microdermabrasion treatments have become a popular way of rejuvenating the skin and helping it appear younger, it is not the right choice for everyone or for every skin type. So, does microdermabrasion work? There is no one easy answer, as everyone’s skin is different, but before you decide to try this skin care treatment, there are several things you should know before you make your decision. Before you make any decisions, you should prepare a list of questions for your dermatologist, such as; “Does microdermabrasion work on thin skin? Is it the right choice for sensitive skin? How will my skin benefit from it?” Having these questions answered will help you make the most informed decision.
If you have never experienced a microdermabrasion treatment before, you may ask yourself, “How does microdermabrasion work when compared to a facial exfoliant or a chemical peel?” In truth, a microdermabrasion treatment is much different from a chemical peel in terms of the process, but they both treat a number of the same skin issues, such as fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
During the microdermabrasion process, a dermatologist or skin care specialist uses a hand-held wand that sprays micro-fine crystals of material over the skin and then sucks them away at the same time, removing dead and dying skin cells with it to reveal new skin growth underneath. As these layers of dead skin are blasted away, dark spots are faded and acne scars are made smoother and less visible with repeated treatments. Some materials that are used include sterilized sand particles and titanium oxide crystals. There are a number of benefits to microdermabrasion, especially if you have sensitive skin that does not react well to the effects of alpha hydroxy acids, which are the main active ingredients in most chemical peels.
One question you may consider asking your dermatologist is, “Does microdermabrasion work for all skin types? What if my skin is sensitive?” The good news here is that even those with sensitive skin can undergo microdermabrasion treatments because the pressure can be easily controlled by the individual giving the treatment. Because the speed and pressure can be raised or lowered depending on the skin’s reaction to the treatment, this makes it a viable option for a wide range of skin tones and types. Before you decide to undergo microdermabrasion, consider your skin type and consult with the office or spa that will give the treatment so they understand your individual needs.
Another benefit of microdermabrasion is that it does not require any potentially irritating acids to be applied to the skin. When facial peels are performed, glycolic or lactic acid is spread over the skin and is then peeled away to reveal new growth underneath. However, these acids can be quite irritating to the skin and the level of their effects is hard to control. As a result, microdermabrasion may be a better choice for sensitive or thin skin.
You may ask yourself, “Does microdermabrasion work without causing any side effects?” Well, there are several side effects that may occur after microdermabrasion, but they are usually mild and include increased skin sensitivity, itching, and redness. These side effects usually resolve themselves within 24-48 hours. In order to lower the risk of side effects, you should only receive your microdermabrasion treatment from a dermatologist or qualified skin care professional. Does microdermabrasion work? Yes, but only if you work closely with your dermatologist concerning treatment and understand your own individual skin type.