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53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
It is important to know certain facts about acne. Without a complete understanding of these facts people can choose incorrect treatments which could exacerbate an already difficult condition of the skin, in some cases possibly causing permanent scars.
Lotions and creams are not the best ways to treat acne, using topical creams one may notice a temporary improvement but it does not treat the underlying cause of the problem. Acne starts developing two to three weeks before it appears on the skin. To treat acne you need to introduce a holistic approach which would have better and long lasting result.
Acne is not only a teenage skin disorder. It is more prevalent in teens due to the hormonal changes, but it affects people of all ages. Acne should be treated in its early stages with the correct treatment. If ignored or handled carelessly, acne can leave long lasting scars on skin.
It is commonly believed, acne is caused by dirt, dust, or lack of cleanliness. This is not true. Acne is caused when the dead skin cells mix with sebum and form plugs as a result pores clog up, and eventually create an acne breakout.
Fatty or greasy foods does not cause acne. A poor diet can weaken our immune system which in turn is unable to help fight an outbreak of acne. There is no scientific evidence that eating deep fried foods, nuts or chocolates will result in acne. However, healthy eating habits and balanced diet boost our immune system which will help prevent or fight acne.
Some people believe excessive cleaning of the skin will improve their acne, so they wash or scrub their skin too much. This is definitely not the case, excessive cleaning can cause the skin to dry out and become sensitive which creates a condition whereby the skin is open to bacteria, and that in turn can cause further breakouts or irritation of the skin.
It is thought that cosmetics creates or is the cause of acne, that is not the case but they may make the situation worse and create further irritation of the skin. For sensitive skins it is always important to use cosmetics with extreme care. Non-comedogenic make-up products are water based and therefore better choice than the comedogenic skin care products.
It is also important to use products that are designed for sensitive skins to prevent allergies. When buying cosmetics check the ingredients and their application, certain ingredients will make a condition worse.
You can always get information about ingredients by doing some research on the internet for the particular ingredients. Some websites specialize in the care of sensitive skins, look for those websites and they will give you information to help you choose.
There are many natural products on the market which are available for sensitive skins. You would do well to consult a dermatologist to get expert help in the treatment of your condition. Following advice of an expert could prevent scarring of the skin.
Many people who have not followed sensible advice in treatment of their condition have badly scarred skin; badly scarred skin is very distressing for a person and could cause emotional scarring as well.
Once the skin is scarred it is very difficult to treat. There are treatments for badly scarred skin but they can be very expensive. Treatment for scarred skin requires the removal of the top layer of the epidermis, a very painful process. Take sensible preventative measures, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.
Some amount of sun may not be harmful for acne but too much sun and heat are certainly not helpful. Too much sun has a drying effect on the skin, resulting in more dead cells which increase the clogging of the pores which ultimately results in further acne breakouts.
Being cautious and sensible about sun tanning could save you heartache in later years. Too much sun tanning will age your skin prematurely and could also cause skin cancer. Taking good care of your skin and you will have a healthy complexion for the rest of your life.
One common belief is that perspiration can help or prevent acne. It is not true, on the contrary, sweating is known to trigger the sebaceous glands of the skin and produce more oil. A combination of oil, sweat, and the heat worsens an acne condition, and will also exacerbate a sensitive skins condition.
Be wary of using facial toners and scrubs they can be harmful to the skin. Excessive scrubbing of the facial skin tears the tissue and increases the chance of bacterial infection and blemishes.
Scrubbing with alcohol has the same effect as the sun. It leaves the skin dry and stimulates the sebaceous glands to secret more oil. A combination of dry skin cells and oil clogs pores; resulting in an acne breakout.
A common belief is that there is no cure for acne. However, there are many success stories about acne treatment. Proper professional help and treatment is always the best approach.