Contact Info
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
If you have deeper facial wrinkles, skin that’s damaged by the sun, scars, areas that appear blotchy or even pre-cancerous growths, a Deep Chemical Peel might be the right choice for you. Your physician will use the strongest chemical called phenol to penetrate down to the lower dermal layer of your skin. For this type of peel, you may need a local anesthetic and a sedative to manage any discomfort.
A Deep Chemical Peel usually involves some sort of pretreatment for up to 8 weeks to prepare your skin for the peel and speed the healing process. Pretreatment may include the use of Retin A, a prescription medication derived from vitamin A. Retin A works to thin out the skin’s surface layer, allowing the chemical solution to penetrate more evenly and deeply. If you can’t tolerate Retin A as a pre-treatment, you may be prescribed a different medication.
First, you are given a sedative to relax along with a local anasthetic to freeze your face.
Your face is cleansed.
Phenol is brushed onto the area and can remain from 30 minutes up to 2 hours. The chemical is neutralized with water.
After allowing your skin to rest for an hour, a thick coat of petroleum jelly is smoothed over your skin, covering the crust which develops. The petroleum jelly must stay in place for up to 2 days. Your skin may be covered with strips of adhesive tape with openings for your eyes and mouth, rather than the layer of petroleum jelly, if you have severe wrinkling.
Deep chemical facial peels will result in peeling, redness and discomfort for several days. Your doctor will provide painkillers to keep you comfortable. Although the swelling is likely to disappear in about 2 weeks, your skin may be red for up to 3 months.