Contact Info
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
Dermaplaning is an exfoliation technique that refinishes the epidermis through a controlled scraping while at the same time removes fine velous hair that can trap excess dirt and oil. The process completely removes the dead skin on the surface. Dermaplaning can be used to treat a multitude of skin imperfections and can be used on all skin types safely and effectively. This procedure can be performed alone or combined with other exfoliation treatments including chemical peels, laser, microneedling or masques. It can enhance the effectiveness of products and procedures.
The benefits of this procedure include minimizing the appearance of fine lines, increased ability for your skin to absorb products, reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation and acne scarring, stimulates circulation and improves elasticity and texture of the skin. Dermaplaning is usually done when vellus hair starts to grow back, which generally occurs in one month’s time.
Although merely an old wives’ tale, clients are often concerned that the hair will grow back heavier and darker after dermaplaning. This is not the case. As long as the hair is superficial vellus hair, it will grow back at the same rate and texture as before the treatment.
Your face will be cleansed and then the painless procedure will be performed. It is very relaxing. It is finished with customized product application to smooth and nourish your skin. You may even opt to add a peel or a masque.
Please avoid tanning the area to be treated if possible as with all treatments. If you do go out in the sun, use sun block and apply every 80 minutes when in direct sun.
If possible, it is best to discontinue any irritant topical agents, such as alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids, glycolic acids, and retinols. These can be resumed 1 week after the procedure.
There really is no downtime. However, it is best to avoid sunlight or use sunscreen religiously. Your skin will look fabulous immediately after and you may resume regular activities. This is where we highly recommend using our physician grade products to maintain good skin health and exfoliation.
At CosMedic LaserMD, our aestheticians are highly skilled at dermaplaning. You will love the result.