Contact Info
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
Dermaplaning is a controlled surgical scraping of the skin’s outermost layers in order to reduce surface irregularities, remove the fine vellus hair (peach fuzz), and give the skin a softer smoother look. Sometimes it is used to remove actinic keratosis, which are pre-cancerous lesions, but, most often it is used for facial hair, fine lines and wrinkles, superficial hyperpigmentation, mild acne scarring, and rough, dry skin.
This short procedure uses a scalpel and light feathering strokes to abrade the surface of the skin. Removing the epidermis allows medical and aesthetic products to impact the deeper layers. Removing the fine vellus hair will not cause the hair to grow back thicker and darker but will promote a healthier, smoother “glowing” appearance.
Dermaplaning is a great treatment for pregnant or nursing women who desire a deep exfoliation without the use of chemicals and peels. It is excellent for individuals who have excessive fine facial hair which often causes a buildup of dirt and oils in the follicles. It is for anyone who desires a smoother, “glowing” appearance.
Physicians may recommend dermaplaning before laser treatments or deep chemical peels and aestheticians may use it in conjunction with superficial chemical peels or cleansing facials. There is no down time with dermaplaning, and it is not for anyone with a nickel allergy. It does give a smoother cleaner surface to facial skin.
For a consultation call us at (864) 641-1491 OR email us from the CONTACT page. We look forward to serving you.