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53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
Because we all want skin clear of blemishes like pimples and blackheads, understanding the different signs of acne is important in following a successful acne treatment regimen. Here is a handy guide you may find useful to understand the acne you are dealing with fully.
Whiteheads look like they sound – a small blemish with a whitish head. They result when hair follicles get clogged with dead skin cells and sebum. Sebum is oil which the skin needs for nourishment and protection. Only when there is excessive oil, and dead skin cells is there a high risk of clogged pores.
Blackheads are small blemishes which look like black dots. Just like whiteheads, blackheads are comedones. The difference is blackheads are open or breaks through the skin while whiteheads are below the skin surface and are considered closed. To fully understand comedones, just think of it as a clogged pore. If the hair follicle is clean, it’s a pore, if it’s clogged with skin cells and oil, it’s a comedo (comedones is plural).
Papules represent the point beyond whiteheads and blackheads, when the excess dead skin cells, sebum, and bacteria under the skin cause inflammation. You can recognize papules by their swelling and redness, like pimples without a head. They are small to medium in size and are a sense of irritation. When present, you should seek medication or treatment that calms and smoothes (not dry out) the inflammation until it subsides.
Pustules are like papules but with a full pus head. They look a tad more intimidating because of the white or yellowish pus that is on display. They may also be painful to touch. Although tempting to squeeze, scarring may be the result and extraction should only occur when a whitehead is visible. This extraction is best done by a skin care professional.
When patients suffer from a full face of large, inflamed, and red pimples which seem to last for months, it’s a good bet they are suffering from cystic or severe acne. This acne type is a deeper condition than common acne and may cause severe, permanent skin damage if left untreated.