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53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
Cystic Acne is also called Cystic Nodules and is the worst an acne sufferer can get. It is very severe, noticeable and can be very difficult to treat because it usually develops very deep beneath the skin. This type of acne can also cause ugly, permanent scars if not properly treated. This is why there is always a thorough process of treating Cystic Acne and is always done by a qualified dermatologist who has to consider several factors to determine the right treatment for the patient. This type of acne also takes more time to heal.
But how exactly does Cystic Acne develop and who is at more risk? Statistics about this type of acne show that men are more at risk compared to women. A big pimple or a lump appears, usually on the face chest or at the back, and takes a consideration long period of time before it fully develops to form a head. It then develops to a reddish head that is always very painful when touched.
The causes of Cystic Acne have not been exactly determined but a few contributing factors have been highlighted. Cystic Acne just like any other type of acne results when an oil glad beneath the skins becomes clogged and then attacked by some bacteria. These bacteria feed on the trapped fats. If a Cystic Acne breaks the bacteria spills over to other skin pores which may become infected as well. Depending on whether the skin pores over the affected are will expose it to the air or not the color of the acne will be either dark or light. Dark acne forms when the pores are open letting in oxygen while light acne forms when the pores are sealed.
Infections can come from outside the body and enter through broken skin. For this reason, people who have the tendency to break pimples may be exposing themselves to infections that may lead to Cystic Acne. It is advisable not to break a pimple, if you have to, until it is fully matured. That way, you will be able to remove all the trapped fats around the area and you will have no threat of being attacked by bacteria seeking to feed on the remaining oils.
Due to its complexity, Cystic Acne is best treated by a dermatologist. It is very advisable that you do not try anything with the acne before contacting a qualified medical specialist. There are several methods that are used to treat this type of acne. The most common is the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are fairly effective in treating the acne but may cause some side effects. Before taking any antibiotic, it is advisable to inform the physician about any health problems or concerns that you may be having.
Another Cystic Acne treatment that is considered as being the safest is using chemical called cortisone. This chemical is injected directly into the infected area. Since the injection may be painful, the area may be first numbed using common anesthetics. This method does not have severe side effects, if any, because cortisone is a chemical our bodies produce although in less effective amounts. Other forms of treatment that can be used include the use of Accutane and laser treatments.