Contact Info
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
You can keep your skin texture and tone fresh by having a skin peel. Skin peels are ideal treatments for fine lines, acne scarring, active acne, photo ageing, pigmentation problems and lightening.
We usually recommend a pre treatment course of trusted skincare products so as to achieve maximum results and protect your skin during the peeling process.
As there are different types of peels ranging from a ‘lunch-time’ peel lasting for thirty minutes to deeper peels lasting for an hour, our Physicians will advise you in what is appropriate for your skin and devise a skin refreshing peel programme that is specially customized around your busy schedule.
The Obagi Blue Peel is a one-stop revelation for patients suffering from minor skin troubles such as:
What is Obagi Blue Peel?
Obagi Blue Peel enables your Cosmetic Clinics doctor to treat skin complaints on both a superficial and medium depth levels. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is painted onto the area of skin requiring treatment and the number of coats applied to the skin is proportional to how deep into the skin the treatment needs to be.
As previously mentioned, the Obagi skin peel can help any patient with minor skin problems such as age spots, oily skin or large pores. Obagi isn’t just intended to use on your face, Obagi can improve the quality of the skin on your neck, chest, hands, arms, legs and back. As long as you don’t suffer from eczema, sensitive skin or any other skin condition, you should be able to have your skin treated with Obagi.
Your Cosmetic Clinics doctor will assess your skin’s suitability for this chemical peel treatment. If your experienced and qualified doctor decides Obagi is the best course of action, the area of skin that you wish to be treated will be painted with a blue solution.
The blue peel feels hot for a couple of minutes but discomfort does begin to ease off. Depending on the kind of chemical peel you have, it is reasonable to expect the following:
– Light peels take 3-4 days to finish peeling.
– A medium peel (sun spots) takes 5-7 days to finish peeling.
– Deeper peels take 7-10 days to finish peeling.
In the mean time, your skin may go hard, brown and leathery – this is perfectly normal. During the recovery time, patients are advised to not pull peeling skin off as it will fall off in its own time.
Patients are reminded that going out in public is not advised as skin is very delicate and susceptible to the outdoor elements. If you must go outside, patients are advised to wear strong sun protection (including a sun hat if possible).