Contact Info
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
Mario Badescu Skin Care, a leading manufacturer of skin care and acne treatment products, as well as operator of a 36 room Manhattan beauty salon, has launched a new website with updated usability features in order to make their customers’ skin care shopping experience as easy and enjoyable as possible.
We are very excited about the launch of these new website features
The efforts of our skilled and dedicated team to design and implement these features are all part of our larger attempt to better serve our customers. It is our first priority to make our customers’ shopping experiences more pleasant and efficient, and to better serve them with personalized skin care advice and product recommendations.
The new website, which launched Tuesday, features a new look and feel, as well as increased organization, allowing shoppers to view their selection of over 200 skin care products in a neat and efficient manner. In addition to the updated appearance and organization, several functional changes have been made to increase the usability of the website, including convenient one-click add to shopping cart functionality.
The website also incorporates a new Wishlist functionality, allowing users to browse around Mario Badescu’s extensive line of skin care and acne treatment products and select products that they may be interested in purchasing in the future.
These new changes are just a few in a series of initiatives to bolster the customer shopping experience. Mario Badescu’s existing MyMario feature, for example, allows shoppers to view their past orders, as well as personalized skin care product recommendations. This allows customers to build an optimal skin care regimen to treat their specific skin type or get rid of acne.
Mario Badescu is hoping to use these new website features to continue their tradition of offering customers their famous skin care and acne treatment products, which are renowned as much for their quality and effectiveness as their celebrity use.
“We are very excited about the launch of these new website features,” said Joseph Cabasso, Executive Vice President of Mario Badescu Skin Care. “The efforts of our skilled and dedicated team to design and implement these features are all part of our larger attempt to better serve our customers.