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53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
53-14 Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside NY 11377
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
In this blog post, we thought it would be helpful to explain the different types of peels. Remember, through 10/31/2013, we are offering huge discounts on Deep Chemical Peels!
Progressive Peels are the least aggressive, removing only the outer layer of the skin with no real visible peeling. Repeated treatments on a regular basis (1 time per month in a perfect world for maintenance,and up to once a week to correct damage) will cause mild exfoliation of the skin with cumulative effects.
– Mild, yet refining
– Although not recommended, you could put on makeup and go to dinner after this peel if you had to. No one would know you had done anything.
– This basic peel includes cleansing, chemical peel, topical vitamins, post peel balm and sunscreen for $50.
– This is not a facial – it is a clinical treatment only.
– This peel can be combined with other services for a more dramatic result or added to any facial treatment.
Mid-depth peels target the intra-epidermal layer. This peel may be administered every 4 weeks if needed. Skin exfoliation starts within two to three days of treatment. The first few days your skin feels dry and tight. The drier your skin is, the longer it takes for peeling to begin. Oily-skinned people start peeling sooner. Light flaking will occur, similar to a sunburn peel.
– Offers rejuvenative effects with minimal to no down time.
– This peel includes cleansing, chemical peel, topical vitamins, post peel balm and sunscreen for $50.
– This is not a facial – it is a clinical treatment only.
– This peel can be combined with other services for a more dramatic result or added to any facial treatment.
– Deep peels reach the deepest intra-epidermal layers where the skin peels in large segments.
Most skin types become brown and crusted prior to considerable peeling, occurring three to four days after application.
– The typical recovery period lasts seven to ten days, with treatment up to twice per year.
– A deep peel restores and renews skin with the most dramatic results.
Remember we have huge October discounts on Deep Peels for face, neck, chest, and hands! Pricing is good for appointments through 10/31/2013.